Many procedures require the involvement of an anesthesia care team to help minimize pain, discomfort, and anxiety as well as help your body adapt to changes incurred by the surgical procedure or medical illness. The anesthesia care team includes anesthesiologists, certified anesthesia assistants, and certified registered nurse anesthetists.
Pre-Operative Area
Most patients meet their anesthesia provider in the preoperative area on the day of surgery where a medical history, physical examination, and discussion of the anesthetic plan takes place. The anesthetic plan may include information such as which type of anesthesia will be used, whether any special monitors or anesthesia devices will be applied, whether any blood products or a more intensive recovery period is anticipated. Expected time spent in the preoperative area 1-2 hours.
Operating Room
Once you have met your anesthesia team and your questions have been answered, you will be taken to the operating room (OR) by the OR nurse. Upon arrival, you will meet the remaining members of your surgical team. Subsequently, your anesthesia team will attach monitors for use throughout the procedure; help position you properly on the OR bed; administer extra oxygen through a facemask or nasal cannula, and then administer the anesthetic.
After the initial dose of anesthetic is given and general anesthesia has been obtained, frequently a device to support breathing is carefully inserted through the mouth. Throughout the entire surgical procedure, one of the members of your anesthesia team will monitor you and administer medications as needed to ensure that you wake up from the anesthetic as smoothly and safely as possible. Expected time spent in OR is variable.
Recovery Room
At the end of the procedure, your care is transferred to a nurse in the recovery room (PACU). Expected time spent in PACU is 45-90 minutes. The recovery room allows you to continue to wake up under the watchful eye of a PACU nurse. More medicine such as to control pain, nausea, or perhaps blood pressure is given during this time. When certain discharge criteria are met, you will be moved to either the discharge area or to your hospital room. Expected time spent in discharge area before going home or to your room is 45-90 minutes.